Beer Review - Coffee Vanilla Stout

Coffee Vanilla Stout from Annapolis Brewing Co. Hmmm....let's see how this tastes....


The town I live in just recently (think June of 2018) had an amazing brewery, Annapolis Brewing Co., finally open their taproom doors. Being a huge craft beer fan, and always on the look out for cool new places to check out, it has (of course!) been a favourite hang out of mine this summer. They make excellent beer, from lighter ales through to stouts.

About 2 weeks ago, they released a new beer, a Coffee Vanilla Stout, and not being a big stout fan or a huge coffee fan, I was intrigued by how those two things might just work together in a beer. Poured using Nitro, this beer started off with a thick head and a deep dark brown hue. It smelt exactly as you would think! Lots of coffee and vanilla smells, and surprisingly some hints of chocolate. Flavour wise it is rich and thick, lots of vanilla with a huge amount of chocolate and coffee. 


Like I said, I'm not a huge fan of stouts so I had a hard time really enjoying this beer. But a good friend of mine loves stout and absolutely adored it. All in all, I think this is a great example of a stout and would be a delicious beer on a snowy night curled up by a fire.