Episode 7-Listener Question! How do I get started with wine?

Today is Wednesday December 30th. Which means it’s Wine Wednesday!

On today’s episode, we answer another listener question. Today’s question will be broken down into a couple of parts, this week and next.

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Question “I’m an early 20-something and so lost when it comes to finding out what I like and don’t like when it comes to wine-any advice? (on a budget obviously!)”

I love this question! Questions like this are why I started the podcast in the first place. My main goal is to educated while making wine (cocktails, beers, spirits and ciders) fun and interesting. No stuffiness here.

Remember “Every expert was once a beginner” - Rutherford B Hayes


Don’t be afraid or intimidated.

Find a wine tasting buddy or group

Budget (the least favourite part)

Order wine by the glass

Get to know your local wine shop workers

Some varietals to know

Have fun

Next week we will talk basic & classic pairings, some easy to get into varietals, and some ways we learnt to identify different tastes in wine.

Are you loving the length of the podcast? Should it be longer? Shorter? Leave me a comment below and let me know!