The Pina No-Colada

Some days you just want to have a cocktail and not have to worry about the alcohol content. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good boozy cocktail, but even I enjoy taking a night off or having a chance to have something non-alcoholic when I’m out for lunch without having to be stuck with the option of a pop or water.

Enter the amazing sober spirits from a great little company I found called SoberDry. SoberDry is a company that has brought together some great sober options for spirits, beer, wine and cider. I have had the chance to try quite a few of their spirits, and I have to say I’ve been extremely impressed by them all. The Fluere Sober Spiced Rum really got me thinking. So the following drink happened.


The Pina No-Colada


2oz Fluere Sober Spiced Rum

1.5oz Pineapple juice

1.5oz Coconut cream

0.5oz Lime juice

0.25oz Simple syrup


Combine the ingredients in a shaker tin. (I used the thick stuff from a can of coconut milk, instead of coconut cream)

Add ice and shake.

Strain into a tall glass chilled with pebble ice. (I used small cubes that had been broken up)

Garnish with a pineapple wedge (and a straw!)